
By chance, I came across a problem from the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) 2024, the world's most difficult math competition, and it was so game-like that I made it into a real game.

The original problem is difficult to explain mathematically, but since it is explained easily in this game,
there is no need to read the original problem.

The game rules themselves are quite simple puzzles.

However, the 'Hatred' difficulty level, which is filled with all sorts of tricks, is quite difficult.
('Hatred' comes from 'Hatetris', which I saw on the Internet a few years ago.)

However, if you try to solve it directly as a game rather than just solving it with paper and pencil, you may be able to solve it, even though it was a difficult problem in the International Mathematics Olympiad, where geniuses from all over the world gathered to solve it!

I also succeeded in finding a perfect solution by making a game myself. I'm not a math genius, but... It's not as difficult as you think when you try it as a game!

Beat this game and become a math genius!


Genre Puzzle
Expected Playtime 
    5 minutes to browse the game content.
    20 minutes or more to completely clear the game on Hatred difficulty

How to execute Download -> Unzip -> Excute Game.exe
    Movement: Arrow keys
    Interaction: Spacebar, z
    (You can also use the mouse, but mouse control is not recommended due to the game structure)

Download Link!AoIY6zzhdHAuhKNz-rgBmf_O2g8ADw?e=utogXU

Korean students achieved the feat of ranking 3rd in the national ranking at the 2024 International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO). It's really great. I applaud them.

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